Week 6 Story Lab

For week 6 I chose to do a storylab, the article I chose to do it over was What’s the Difference Between An Autobiography and a Memoir. Although both are based on the truth and both require lots of research, there are many differences between each.

Starting with autobiographies. They are usually written by someone famous, and they usually make use of documentary records. Autobiographies usually focus on an entire life, starting at brth and chronologically progressing until the current age. It usually has the feeling of a historical document and is filled with facts and specific dates.

Now the similar Memoir has its differences as well. Memoirs can be written by anyone, and is a representation of a memory, not of history. Memoirs focus on an event, theme or choice in life. Memoirs can begin anywhere and move backwards or forwards and end whenever. Memoirs are more concerned with the emotional truths of your life.

This article had some great insight of the differences between Memoirs and Autobiographies. As well at the end of the article it gave some great examples of each.

(I thought this photo was fitting, Source: Autobiography)


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