Story Lab: Week 10

For the story lab i decided to do it over the article 8 Reasons to Join an Online Course . This Article hit on eight key points which are as follows, Varety is good, the location, the time is up to you, teaching, coaching and feedback, the pace is up to you, the topics and lessons are up to you, community and after-course support. These are very interesting points and I think the top three that I agree with would be location of the online course is very important because it allows me to adapt it into my day. This leads into the next point I like which would be the time is up to you. This is very important to me as I am very busy now in my senor year studying mechanical engineering and have very little free time. the third and final point that I think really sold this article was the coaching and feedback. With online classes, most of the time the feedback your receive on assignments is very good, and very instructive on what you can change. This was a very good article and really...