Reading Notes: Lions Part one

The Story I have chosen to write notes over was Lions Part one From Aesop’s Fables. The Part of the story that I was drawn to was when the lion was telling the other animals what his share would be. He started out by telling them to quarter the animal, after that he said the three quarters were for him and for the fourth quarter, he would like to see who would dare lay a paw on it. Pretty much he is bullying the other animals to get his way. As the fox walked away with his tail between his legs he mumbled something under his breathe that kind of foreshadowed the story. The fox said “You may share the labors of the great, but you will not share the spoil. This was very interesting to me in that the fox although scared of the lion, believed that because of the lions inconsideration of others, something bad would happen to him.

(Picture is of a Lion, Source: lion)

Lions Part One


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