Reading Notes: The Fox and The Crow

The story I have chosen for today's reading notes was The Fox and the Crow from Aesop (Jacobs). This was a very interesting story in that it has a very true plot to it that I think everyone should read with an open mind. In the story the fox tricks the crow into dropping the cheese in his beak. He does this by saying how the crows voice must surpass the other birds and that he would like to hear one song, when the crow lifter her head and began to caw the cheese fell out, and the fox quickly snatched it up. The Fox told the crow with a smirk I will give you advice, do not trust flatterers. This was a very good story in that I was almost saying don’t be so open to everyone, because not everyone has good intent. And some people may only be out there to hurt you or steal from you.

(A crow with cheese, Source: Crow)

Story Source: The Crow and The Fox


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