Feedback Strategies

The two articles I have chosen to review are Five Reasons to Stop Saying “Good Job!” and The difference between Praise and Feedback. He has five major points that he stops of which follow as Manipulating children, Creating praise junkies, Stealing a child’s pleasure Losing interest and Reducing achievement.  The two points that drew my attention the most were creating praise junkies this hits on the fact that kids are morphed into just going for the praise instead of working towards a good piece of quality work. This was good, because I think that is what is happening in the younger generation today. The second point of reducing achievement had some interesting points talked about how often times it is seen that kids that are awarded after a first task, often stumble on the next one.

The Next article had three main points, Process praise, Praise and Personhood, Praise vs. Feedback. The first point talks about praising someone on the process rather than the outcome of work, I don’t know if I totally agree with this point. The next point talks about how parental praise is manipulative, intrusive and undermines both children’s intrinsic enjoyment of what they’re doing and their own internal sense of whether they are doing good or trying hard. The final point was talking about if there was any way to critique and instruct children without doing lasting harm on the child.

(This is from the Second Article, Good Job)



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