Week 14 Lab: One of the Hardest Things is to Start

The story lab I am completing is from the advice to writer’s story lab. The specific advice I took from this story lab was "One of the Hardest Things is to start.”  This was an interesting advice that had some really good key points. On of the very interesting advice strings was everyone is always convinced that their next will be your worst, or you will never be able to write as good as your biggest hit again. All writers live in constant terror, but one of a writer’s biggest jobs is making sense of the chaos and making something from it when you can. The only way to do this is sitting down and just start writing.

(Image depicts this lab very well I think, Writing)


  1. Hey Drew,

    I think the advice you gathered from the story lab is very handy. Often I struggle with the same thing of "just starting", even outside of writing. I think that advice applies to so many things in life, whether it be homework, a job application, that chore that you don't want to do, or so many other things. I have always heard that the biggest step is the first one.

    Good luck,


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